Composable Error Handling

Sentinel, being a framework that interacts with a database, faces common problems. It needs to validate user-supplied data, write and read from the database, and so on. These are not new problems and various other frameworks and/or languages have solved it in their own way.

Since Sentinel is based on Scala, we’ll take a look at how we can actually achieve these things nicely in Scala. It may look daunting at first, but the result is worth the effort: composable clean code.

We’ll cover three topics in particular:

  1. Dealing expected failures such as user-input errors, in this guide.
  2. Launching task asynchronously using Future, in the next guide: Asynchronous Processing.
  3. How Sentinel composes error handling asynchronously, also in the next guide: Asynchronous Processing.


This guide is geared towards use cases in Sentinel and is by no means comprehensive. Readers are expected to be familiar with Scala, particularly using for comprehensions and pattern matching. It is also a good idea to be familiar with the scalaz library as Sentinel also makes considerable use of it.

Dealing with expected failures

Upon receiving a file upload, Sentinel parses the contents into a JSON object and extracts all the metrics contained within. This means that Sentinel needs to ensure that:

  1. The file is valid JSON.
  2. The JSON file contains the expected metrics values.

If any of these requirements are not met, Sentinel should notify the uploader of the error since this is something that we can expect the uploader to correct.

Let’s assume that the uploaded data is stored as a Array[Byte] object and the data is parsed into a JValue object, as defined by the Json4s library. We can use Json4s’s parse function to extract our JSON. It has the following (simplified) signature:

// `JsonInput` can be many different types,
// `` among them.
// `Formats` is a Json4s-exported object that
// determines how the parsing should be done.
def parse(in: JsonInput)(implicit formats: Formats): JValue

We can then write a function to extract JSON out of our byte array using parse.

import org.json4s.JValue
import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods.parse

// For now, we can use the default `Formats`
// as the implicit value
implicit val formats = org.json4s.DefaultFormats

// first attempt
def extractJson(contents: Array[Byte]): JValue =
    parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(contents))

In an ideal world, our function would always return a JValue given a byte array. In reality, our function will be faced with user inputs which should be treated with extreme caution. That includes expecting corner cases, for example if the byte array is not valid JSON or if the byte array is empty. Those cases will cause parse to throw an exception that must be dealt with, otherwise our normal program flow is interrupted.

The Option type

How should we handle the exception? Having a strong functional flavour, Scala offers a nice alternative using a type called the Option[T] type. The short gist is that it allows us to encode return types that may or may not exist. It has two concrete values: Some(_) or None. For example, if a function has return type Option[Int] it can either be of value Some(3) (which means it has the value 3) or None (which means no number was returned).

While exceptions may be more suitable for some cases, Option offers interesting benefits of its own. With Option, we explicitly state the possibility that a function may not return its intended value in its very signature. Consequently, this informs any caller of the function to deal with this possibility, making it less prone to errors.

It turns out also that the Option pattern occurs frequently in code. Functions that perform integer division, for example, needs to acknowledge the fact that division by zero may occur. Another example is functions that return the first item of an array. What should the function do when the array is empty? Option fits well into these and many other cases. Over time, this has resulted in a set of common operations that can be applied to Option objects that we can use to make our code more concise without sacrificing functionality. You can check out the official documentation for a glance of what these operations are.


For a more in depth treatment of Option, we find the guide here informative.

Some operations worth highlighting are flatMap and withFilter. They are used by Scala’s for-comprehension, which means you can chain code that returns Option like this:

def alpha(): Option[Int] = { ... }
def beta(n: Int): Option[String] = { ... }
def gamma(s: String): Option[Double] = { ... }

val finalResult: Option[Double] = for  {
    result1 <- alpha()
    result2 <- beta(result1)
    result3 <- gamma(result2)
    squared = result3 * result3
} yield squared

In the code snippet above, alpha is called first, then its result is used for calling beta, whose result is used for calling gamma. The beauty of the chain is that if any of the functions return None, subsequent functions will not be called and we get None as the value of finalResult. There is no need to do manual checks using if blocks. Furthermore, the for comprehension automatically unwraps result1 and result2 out of Option when used for calling beta and gamma. Finally, we can slip an extra value declaration (squared) which will only work if our chain produces an expected result3 value.


flatMap and withFilter are not the only methods that for comprehensions desugars into. Check out the official FAQ on other possible methods.

Going back to our JSON extractor function, we need to update it so that it returns Option[JValue]. Luckily, Json4s also already has us covered here. In addition to parse, it also provides a function called parseOpt which only returns a JValue if the given input can be parsed into JSON. It has the following (simplified) signature:

def parseOpt(in: JsonInput)(implicit formats: Formats): Option[JValue]

Our function then becomes:

import org.json4s.JValue
import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods.parseOpt

implicit val formats = org.json4s.DefaultFormats

// second attempt
def extractJson(contents: Array[Byte]): Option[JValue] =
    parseOpt(new ByteArrayInputStream(contents))

The Either type

Our function now has a better return type for any of its caller. Notice however, that Option is black and white. Either our function returns the expected JValue or not. In contrast, there are more than one way that the parsing can fail. The JSON file could be malformed, maybe containing an extra comma or missing a bracket somewhere. There could also be network errors that cause no bytes to be uploaded, resulting in an empty byte array. These are information that is potentially useful for uploaders, so it would be desirable for Sentinel to be able to report what kind of error causes the parsing to fail. In short, we would like to encode the possibility that our function may fail in multiple ways.

Enter the Either type. Either allows us to encode two return types into one, unlike Option which only allows one. Its two concrete values are either Right, conventionally used to encode the type returned for successful function calls, and Left for encoding errors.

This should be clearer with an example. We will use a function that returns the sum of the first and last item of a List[Int] to illustrate this. Here, the given list must contain at least two items. If that’s not the case, we would like to notify the caller. One way to write this with Either is like so:

def sumFirstLast(list: List[Int]): Either[String, Int] =
    if (list.isEmpty) Left("List has no items.")
    else if (list.size == 1) Left("List only has one item.")
    else Right(list.head + list.last)

The type that encodes the error (the left type) can be anything. We use String here for convenience, but other types such as List[String] or even a custom type can be used.

We can now further improve our extractJson function using Either. Since Json4s does not provide a parsing function that returns Either, we need to modify our own function a bit:

import org.json4s.JValue
import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods.parseOpt

implicit val formats = org.json4s.DefaultFormats

// third attempt
def extractJson(contents: Array[Byte]): Either[String, JValue] =
    if (contents.isEmpty) Left("Nothing to parse.")
    else parseOpt(new ByteArrayInputStream(contents)) match {
        case None     => Left("Invalid syntax.")
        case Some(jv) => Right(jv)

The disjunction type: \/

Our iterations are looking better, but we are not there yet. Either, as provided by the Scala standard library, unfortunately does not play very well with for comprehensions like Option does. Scala does not enforce that Either‘s Left encodes the error return type (and consequently, that Right encodes the succes type). What this means is that in for comprehensions, we have to tell whether we expect the Right or Left type for each call. This is done by calling the Either.right or Either.left method.

def uno(): Either[String, Int] = { ... }
def dos(n: Int): Either[String, String] = { ... }
def tres(s: String): Either[String, Double] = { ... }

val finalResult: Either[String, Double] = for {
    result1 <- uno().right
    result2 <- dos(result1).right
    result3 <- tres(result2).right
} yield result3

It seems like a minor inconvenience to add .right, but there is something going on under the hood with .right and .left. They do not actually create Right and Left, but RightProjection and LeftProjection, which is a different type with different properties. The practical consequence is that the code below will not compile anymore (unlike its Option counterpart):

val finalResult: Either[String, Double] = for {
    result1 <- uno().right
    result2 <- dos(result1).right
    result3 <- tres(result2).right
    squared = result3 * result3
} yield squared

To get it working, we need to manually wrap the squared declaration inside an Either, invoke .right, and replace the value assignment operator:

val finalResult: Either[String, Double] = for {
    result1 <- uno().right
    result2 <- dos(result1).right
    result3 <- tres(result2).right
    squared <- Right(result3 * result3).right
} yield squared

This is getting unecessarily verbose. We have to invoke .right every time and we lose the ability to declare values inside for comprehensions. To remedy this, we need to use the scalaz library.

Scalaz is a third party Scala library that provides many useful functional programming abstractions. One that we will use now is called \/ (often called the disjunction type, since it is inspired by the mathematical disjunction operator ∨). It is very similar to Either, except for the fact that it is right-biased. This means, it expects the error type to be encoded as the left type and the expected type to be encoded as the right type.

Here is a quick comparison between Either and \/:

import scalaz._, Scalaz._

// Type declaration.
// We can use the `\/` type as an infix
// operator as well, as shown in `value3`
// declaration below
def value1: Either[String, Int] // Scala
def value2: \/[String, Int]     // scalaz
def value3: String \/ Int       // scalaz

// Right instance creation.
// The scalaz constructor is the type name,
// plus the side we use: `\/` appended with `-`
val value4: Either[String, Int] = Right(3) // Scala
val value5: String \/ Int       = \/-(3)   // scalaz

// Left instance creation.
// The scalaz constructor is analogous to its
// right type counterpart: `\/` prepended with `-`
val value6: Either[String, Int] = Left("err") // Scala
val value7: String \/ Int       = -\/("err")  // scalaz

Our earlier example can now be made more concise using the disjunction type:

def uno(): String \/ Int = { ... }
def dos(n: Int): String \/ String = { ... }
def tres(s: String): String \/ Double = { ... }

val finalResult: String \/ Double = for {
    result1 <- uno()
    result2 <- dos(result1)
    result3 <- tres(result2)
    squared = result3 * result3
} yield squared

One more thing: notice that we always encode the error type / left type as String and we need to redeclare it every time. We can make this even shorter by creating a type alias to disjunction whose left type is always String. Let’s call this alias Perhaps:

type Perhaps[+T] = String \/ T

def uno(): Perhaps[Int] = { ... }
def dos(n: Int): Perhaps[String] = { ... }
def tres(s: String): Perhaps[Double] = { ... }

val finalResult: Perhaps[Double] = for {
    result1 <- uno()
    result2 <- dos(result1)
    result3 <- tres(result2)
    squared = result3 * result3
} yield squared

And finally, going back to our JSON extractor example, we need to update it like so:

import org.json4s.JValue
import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods.parseOpt
import scalaz._, Scalaz._

implicit val formats = org.json4s.DefaultFormats

type Perhaps[+T] = String \/ T

// fourth attempt
def extractJson(contents: Array[Byte]): Perhaps[JValue] =
    if (contents.isEmpty) -\/("Nothing to parse.")
    else parseOpt(new ByteArrayInputStream(contents)) match {
        case None     => -\/("Invalid syntax.")
        case Some(jv) => \/-(jv)

Going even further, we can replace the pattern match with a call to scalaz’s .toRightDisjunction. This can be done on the Option[JValue] value that parseOpt returns. The argument is the error value; the value that we would like to return in case parseOpt evaluates to None.


// fourth attempt
def extractJson(contents: Array[Byte]): Perhaps[JValue] =
    if (contents.isEmpty) -\/("Nothing to parse.")
    else parseOpt(new ByteArrayInputStream(contents))
        .toRightDisjunction("Invalid syntax.")

We can further shorter this using the \/> function, which is basically an alias to .toRighDisjunction:


// fourth attempt
def extractJson(contents: Array[Byte]): Perhaps[JValue] =
    if (contents.isEmpty) -\/("Nothing to parse.")
    else parseOpt(contents) \/> "Invalid syntax."

This is functionally the same, and some would prefer the clarity of .toRightDisjunction instead of \/>‘s brevity. We will stick to .toRighDisjunction for now.

Comprehensive value extraction

We did not use any for comprehensions in extractJson, though, so why did we bother to use \/ at all? Remember that creating the JSON object is only the first part of our task. The next part is to extract the necessary metrics from the created JSON object. At this point it is still possible to have a valid JSON object that does not contain our expected metrics.

Let’s assume that our expected JSON is simple:

    "nSnps": 100,
    "nReads": 10000

There are only two values we expect, nSnps and nReads. Using Json4s, extracting this value would be something like this:

// `json` is our parsed JSON
val nSnps: Int = (json \ "nSnps").extract[Int]
val nReads: Int = (json \ "nReads").extract[Int]

We can also use .extractOpt to extract the values into an Option type:

// By doing `.extractOpt[Int]`, not only do we expect
// `nSnps` to be present, but we also check that it is
// parseable into an `Int`.
val nSnps: Option[Int] = (json \ "nSnps").extractOpt[Int]
val nReads: Option[Int] = (json \ "nReads").extractOpt[Int]

Now let’s put them together in a single function. We’ll also create a case class to contain the results in a single object as well. Since we are doing two extractions, it’s a good idea then to use the disjunction type instead of Option so that we can see if any error occurs.


case class Metrics(nSnps: Int, nReads: Int)

def extractMetrics(json: JValue): Perhaps[Metrics] = for {
    nSnps <- (json \ "nSnps")
        .toRightDisjunction("nSnps not found.")
    nReads <- (json \ "nReads")
        .toRightDisjunction("nReads not found.")
    metrics = Metrics(nSnps, nReads)
} yield metrics

Both extraction steps now combine nicely in one for comprehension. The code is concise and we can still immediately see that both nSnps and nReads must be present in the parsed JSON object. If any of them is not present, an error message will be returned appropriately.

What’s even nicer, is that extractMetrics compose well with our previous extractJson. We can now write one function that does both:


def processUpload(contents: Array[Byte]): Perhaps[Metrics] = for {
    json <- extractJson(contents)
    metrics <- extractMetrics(json)
} yield metrics

That’s it. Our processUpload function extracts JSON from a byte array and then extracts the expected metrics from the JSON object. If any error occurs within any of these steps, we will get the error message appropriately. If we ever want to add additional steps afterwards (maybe checking if the uploaded metrics is already in a database or so), we can simply add another line in the for comprehension so long as our function call returns a Perhaps type.

Sentinel’s Error Type

While String is a useful error type in some cases, in our cases it is not exactly the most suitable type for errors. Consider a case where our uploaded JSON does not contain both nSnps and nReads. In that case, the user would first get an error message saying ‘nSnps not found.’. Assuming he/she fixes the JSON by only adding nSnps, he/she would then get another error on the second attempt, saying ‘nReads not found.’. This should have been displayed on the first upload, since the error was already present then.

This approach of failing on the first error we see (often called failing fast) is then not exactly suitable for our extractMetrics function. Another approach where we accumulate the errors first (failing slow) before displaying them seems more appropriate. To do so, we need to tweak our error type to be a List[String] instead of the current String. We can then add error messages to the list and return it to the user eventually.

It’s only for extractMetrics, though. We would still like to fail fast in extractJson as both errors we expect to encounter there can not occur simultaneously. If the JSON file is empty, it must not contain any syntax errors and vice versa.

Sentinel reconciles this by having a custom type for its error type, called the ApiPayload. It is a case class that contains both String and List[String]. The ApiPayload type is also associated with specific HTTP status codes. This is because the error messages that Sentinel displays must be sent via HTTP and thus must be associated with a specific code.

Its simplified signature is:

// `httpFunc` defaults to a function
// that returns HTTP 500
sealed case class ApiPayload(
    message: String,
    hints: List[String],
    httpFunc: ApiPayload => ActionResult)

The idea here is that we always have a single error message that we want to display to users (the message attribute). Accumulated errors can be grouped in hints, if there are any. We also associate a specific error message with a specific HTTP error code in one place.


Being based on the Scalatra framework, Sentinel uses Scalatra’s ActionResult to denote HTTP actions. Scalatra already associates the canonical HTTP status message with the error code (for example InternalServerError has the 500 code). Check out the Scalatra documentation if you need more background on ActionResult.

Additionally, ApiPayload objects are transformed into plain JSON that are then sent back to the user. The JSON representation displays only message and hints, since httpFunc is only for internal Sentinel use.

An example of an ApiPayload would look something like this:

// `BadRequest` is Scalatra's function
// that evaluates to HTTP 400.
val JsonInputError = ApiPayload(
    message = "JSON input can not be parsed.",
    hints = List("Input is empty."),
    httpFunc = (ap) => BadRequest(ap))

It can get a bit tedious, as you can see. Some HTTP error messages occur more frequently than others, fortunately, so Sentinel already creates some predefined ApiPayload objects that you can use. They are all defined in nl.lumc.sasc.sentinel.models.Payloads.

In our case, we can use JsonValidationError. It is always associated with HTTP 400 and its message attribute is hard coded to “JSON is invalid.”. We only need to supply the hints inside a List[String]. Moreover, our disjunction type ApiPayload \/ T is also already defined by sentinel in nl.lumc.sasc.sentinel.models.Perhaps, so we can use that.

Let’s now update our functions to use ApiPayload (along with some style updates). We will also outline how far we have written our functions:

// We import a mutable list for collecting our errors
import collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import org.json4s.JValue
import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods.parseOpt
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
import nl.lumc.sasc.sentinel.models.{ Payloads, Perhaps }, Payloads._

implicit val formats = org.json4s.DefaultFormats

case class Metrics(nSnps: Int, nReads: Int)

// Our change here is mostly to replace
// `String` with `ApiPayload`.
def extractJson(contents: Array[Byte]): Perhaps[JValue] =
    if (contents.isEmpty) {
        val hints = JsonValidationError("Nothing to parse.")
    } else {
        val stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(contents)
        val hints = JsonValidationError("Invalid syntax.")

// This is where most our changes happen
def extractMetrics(json: JValue): Perhaps[Metrics] = {

    val maybe1 = (json \ "nSnps").extractOpt[Int]
    val maybe2 = (json \ "nReads").extractOpt[Int]

    (maybe1, maybe2) match {
        // When both values are defined, we can create
        // our desired return type. Remember we need
        // to wrap it inside `\/` still.
        case (Some(nSnps), Some(nReads)) =>
            \/-(Metrics(nSnps, nReads))
        // Otherwise we further check on what's missing
        case otherwise =>
            val errors: ListBuffer[String] = ListBuffer()
            if (!maybe1.isDefined) errors :+ "nSnps not found."
            if (!maybe2.isDefined) errors :+ "nReads not found."

// This function remains the same.
def processUpload(contents: Array[Byte]): Perhaps[Metrics] = for {
    json <- extractJson(contents)
    metrics <- extractMetrics(json)
} yield metrics

And there we have it. Notice that even though we fiddled with the internals of extractJson and extractMetrics, our processUpload function stays the same. This is one of the biggest wins of keeping our API stable. Our functions all follow the pattern of accepting concrete values and returning them wrapped in Perhaps. This is all intentional, so that we can keep processUpload clean and extendable.

Fitting the JSON Schema in

Our extractMetrics function looks good now, but notice that it is already quite verbose even for a small JSON. This is why we recommend that you define JSON schemas for your expected summary files. Sentinel can then validate based on that schema, accumulating all the errors it sees.

The Sentinel validation function is called validateJson, which has the following signature:

def validateJson(json: JValue): Perhaps[JValue]

You can see that it expects as its input a parsed JSON object. This means that we need to create a JSON object first before we validate it. To this end, Sentinel also provides an extractJson function. Its signature is the same as the extractJson function you have been writing. We can then combine extraction and validation together in one function like so:

def extractAndValidateJson(contents: Array[Byte]): Perhaps[JValue] =
    for {
        json <- extractJson(contents)
        validatedJson <- validateJson(json)
    } yield validatedJson

Sentinel provides extractAndValidateJson as well. In fact, that is also how Sentinel composes JSON extraction and JSON validation internally: using a single for comprehension.

Next Steps

We hope we have convinced you that encoding errors as the return type instead of throwing exceptions can make our code cleaner and more composable. In the next section, Asynchronous Processing, we will be combining our Perhaps type with Scala’s Future so that we can process data asynchronously.